
Full Cast

Our non-precious crowns are composed of less than 25% non-precious metals, giving your patient a reliable and long-lasting restoration. It is a practical yet sturdy option for your patients that provides an economical solution. These base metal alloys contain nickel, chrome, and/or beryllium alloys which have been carefully formulated to last for years to come.

Our full cast non-precious crowns are both affordable and strong, able to withstand whatever a patient throws at them. Even in the most tight spaces, these crowns will fit comfortably and remain durable over time.



  • Not indicated for anterior restorations where high esthetics are necessary
  • Not recommended for patients with specific alloy sensitivities


  • Indicated for single unit crowns, multi-unit bridges, inlays and onlays

ADA Codes

  • D2791 - full cast predominantly base metal