Porcelain Fused to Metal

Porcelain Fused to Metal

The dental lab product that every dentist knows best, our PFMs combine the strength of metal with the hand layered beauty of porcelain to provide long-lasting restorations designed to make your patient smile.


Porcelain Fused to Metal

More affordable than gold, our semi-precious PFMs are alloyed with high quality metals to ensure a permanent restoration every time.


Porcelain Fused to Metal

Yellow gold PFMs offer the best aesthetics of all PFM options.  The warm yellow blends naturally at margins to reduce any dark areas showing through the porcelain, ensuring your patient’s crowns are not overly bulky.

The Perfect Restoration

Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) restorations are a popular choice for dental prosthetics, due to their strength and durability. The process of producing PFM involves fusing porcelain to a metal alloy base using a specialized furnace. We offer three types of alloys, which are selected based on the clinical needs, desired properties, and economics of the patient. PFM is best used in posterior regions where aesthetics is not a top priority, as it offers superior strength and stability compared to other materials. With proper care and maintenance, PFM restorations can last for many years with minimal maintenance required.

Review Fee Schedule

When you send your first case, your rate will remain inflation-proof until 2024 – guaranteed!


Review the fee schedule before sending your first case.

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